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Locatie | de bblthk |
Categorie | Activiteiten |
Gratis Kinderen Multilingual Vrije inloop | |
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On a bi-weekly basis the bblthk will host multilingual reading aloud sessions. Every session we will read aloud in multiple languages for children above the age of 4. We will be reading in different languages. You're welcome to listen and/or join our Multilingual Reading Aloud Community.
From 11.30 until 12.30 our bblthk and community readers will Read Aloud to you. In bite size sessions we will entertain young and old for an hour! Each fifteen minutes another reader will take you on an adventure! At the end of the event we will also explain our plans for the coming year and show off some new children's books.
Feel like Reading Aloud? Consider yourself part of the family, you are always welcome to Read Aloud, we encourage it! Grab a book, sit in the giant red chair and read to your child, friends and family!!! Or sign up and become part of our Multilingual Reading Aloud Community!
Missing some languages in this session? Let us know! We are looking forward to adding Indonesian, Chinese, Turkish and Arabic in the next sessions. You can send us an e-mail to
With these events we want to encourage parents to provide a rich and varied language environment. Children who are well versed in the languages of their home from an early age are better able to learn Dutch.
The reading aloud sessions are best suited for children above the age of 4.
🇳🇱 Tweewekelijks lezen we in de bblthk voor in diverse vreemde talen voor kinderen vanaf 4 jaar die meertalig zijn en/of worden opgevoed. We lezen elke sessie voor in andere talen. Iedereen mag aansluiten, of je nu alleen komt meeluisteren of misschien wel wil voorlezen!
Van 11.30 tot 12.30 uur zullen onze bblthk medewerkers en community voorlezers voor je voorlezen. Elke lezer leest ongeveer 15 minuten voor en neemt je dan mee op avontuur!
Wil je zelf komen voorlezen? Dat mag natuurlijk altijd! Kom onze community versterken. Lijkt het je interessant? Stuur ons een mail naar